IPL Quiz Online

Guess the "Nearest" score of Winning Team and Win a Gift

Brought to You by Lalit Electronics

(We Deal Fair, We Take Care)

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Rules of the Game

  1. Submit your answer for the current day match. Link Opens at 10 AM and Closes 1 minutes before the IPL Final match starts.

  2. If there are 2 matches in a Day, you can participate in both the matches by submitting 2 different forms.

  3. Whoever guesses the Exact Winning Team and the "Nearest Score" of the winning team is eligible for the gift prize.

  4. In case more than one persons have given the same answer, who has given it first will be considered as winner.

  5. Participant(and their Family Members) who have already Win are allowed to Participate again in the Final Match.

  6. Requesting participants to submit only one answer.

  7. In case one person gives multiple answers, we will only consider the first answer.

  8. Lalit Electronics will reward the winner with a Gift-set as decided by the Management.

  9. Winner has to visit our store in person to collect the gift-set.

  10. Participant should be Resident of District of Kalahandi. We will validate the credentials before giving the prize.

  11. Lalit Electronics holds the right to change the terms and conditions of the game any time without any notice. Decision made by Lalit Electronics would be considered as final and can not be challenged by any means.

IPL Quiz Contest - 10th Nov,2020

Starts at 10:AM Ends at 7:29 PM

You May be the Lucky Champ !!

Guess the Winning Team and the Nearest Score

IPL Final Match

Submit Your Guess Below


Bed, Sofa, Dining Table Set, Almirah, Dressing Table, Mattress , Office Table


Mobile, Tab, Laptop, Desktop, Printer, Camera, Projector


Fan, LED, Refrigerator, AC, Washing Machine,

RO Water Purifier, Cooler, Geyser, Inverter Battery Solar


Chimney, LPG Stove, Microwave Oven, Dishwasher, Mixer Grinder, Induction


Trolley Bag, Backpack


Deep Freezer, Display Fridge, Water Cooler, Water Dispenser